All sessions of the retreat, with the exception of prerecorded qi gong instruction, will be offered live via Zoom. If you can't attend a session live, a video replay will be posted in the program's Participant Area within 24 hours of original air time.
For the best viewing experience, it is strongly recommended that you download the Zoom app to your computer/phone. Or, if you already have the app installed, locate the "Check for Updates" option under the "" pull-down menu (top left corner) to ensure you are utilizing the most recent version of Zoom.
You can access the Zoom link and video replay for every session in the program's Participant Area (see instructions below).
1) Go to:
2) Hover over (or tap) the PROGRAMS tab.
3) Locate the name of your retreat in the dropdown menu and click/tap on it.
4) Click/tap on the Participant Log-In button.
5) Log into your account (if you are not already logged in).
6) Scroll through the corresponding DAY tab (DAY 1, DAY 2, or DAY 3) to locate the session you are seeking.
7) Click on the Zoom icon or Watch Replay icon for the session you are seeking.
If you need further assistance, submit a support ticket here: