For iPhone and iPad, you can follow these directions to download an audio file:


  1. After making your purchase, open your Safari browser, and go to
  2. Click on the icon of the head/shoulders at the top right corner to open your Account info.
  3. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to do so using your email address and password.
  4. Once in your account, click on the SUBMENU button.
  5. Choose STORE, then DOWNLOADS.
  6. Find and click on the name of the audio file or course that you want to download.
  7. You will be taken to the product page for that course/audio.
  8. At the bottom of your screen, in the search window, you will see a small round icon with a “down arrow” inside.
  9. When the file you chose has finished downloading the icon will turn blue. 
  10. Click on the blue icon.
  11. Then scroll down to the “Downloads” section and click on the word “Downloads”
  12. A list of available downloads will appear and you can click on the one you want to listen to.