Please browse to this page: and log in to your account. Once you're logged in, click the Subscriptions link. If you want to receive email and/or postal mail, the checkbox next to each entry will need to be checked. Make the appropriate settings, and click the submit button. You will now be included in the mailing list.
If you're included in the mailing list, and aren't receiving email, check your email account's "spam folder". Sometimes emails from Open Gate Sangha will be marked as spam by your email provider. Keep in mind most email providers delete spam emails after a set period of time, like 30 days. You can also contact your provider to make sure emails from the domains:,, and aren't being blacklisted (blocked).
Also make sure that the email address you want to receive mail at is the same as the email address you use for your Open Gate Sangha account.
If you need further assistance, please submit a ticket to the Open Gate Sangha Tech Support Team: